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Nurturing Touch: Text

A nurturing touch creates lasting connections that enrich our lives forever.

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What is the nurturing touch?

Nurturing Touch: About Us

The sense of touch is the earliest sensory ability to develop in the womb. Touch is often referred to as the "mother's sense," considered foundational for survival and surpassing other senses in importance. While one can endure the absence of sight, hearing, smell, and taste, touch is indispensable. Skin sensitivity emerges as early as eight weeks into embryonic development. In the womb, the fetus experiences a pseudo-massage through the movement of amniotic fluid, later complemented by contact with the uterine wall. The birthing process itself serves as an essential massage for the newborn. Touch, being the most advanced sense, becomes the primary mode of communication between parents and their infants, forming a crucial aspect of bonding.

Infant Massage Book

Keep your life simple

and serenity will follow.

Like a small country with little 

need for supersonic travel,

a simple life has little need for

tension and stress

Give your children yourself, and 

the need for things will be minimal.


Parents worldwide know that their babies need to be held, rocked, carried and fondled. Cross-cultural studies have shown that in societies where infants are held, massaged, rocked, breastfed and carried, adults are more cooperative, compassionate, and less aggressive and violent. For infants, massage is much more than a luxurious experience or physical therapy. It is a tool for maintaining a child's health and well-being. Parents feel secure in their ability to do something positive and receive a positive response from their baby. Research has shown that touch is as important as food for humans and animals. 

Why massage your baby is important?

What are the benefits of Infant Massage?

There are physical and emotional benefits of infant massage, and our IAIM infant massage incorporates traditional massage of reflexology, Swedish massage, Indian massage and baby yoga.

Parents who attended our baby massage class taught by CIMI ( certified infant massage instructor )  always gave positive feedback that they had gained so much knowledge of baby massage and that they understood what baby massage is. It will help the baby to be physically healthy and build up a strong bond between parents and babies. 

First-time parents always felt a lack of parenting skills, and they found that infant massage can make parents feel relaxed and help the baby feel more valued, respected, and loved. It provided parents with a space to connect with their babies deeply. They are gaining a deeper understanding of their baby. 

It also helps both parents and babies reduce their crying and emotional stress. 

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Infant Massage book

It is through loving caressing tactile stimulation and communication that the infant learns that he/she is loved. 

We must speak to their skins. We must speak to their backs, which thirst and cry as much as their bellies.

-Loving Hands: The Traditional Art of body massage 

Frederick Leboyer

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Become an IAIM certified infant massage instructor

IAIM is the 1st international programme that focuses on supporting families to bond with their babies through massage and nurturing touch.


What will IAIM training equip you to do?

Our training program will empower you to instruct parents or primary caregivers, either individually or in small groups, in the art of baby massage. You'll be proficient in demonstrating massage techniques using a doll, creating a serene atmosphere conducive to informal discussions on various baby-focused topics. 

In addition to acquiring the skills to facilitate parent-infant communication, you'll be able to foster parent/child bonding and contribute to the optimal conditions for infant development. Within this supportive environment, parents and caregivers will discover the myriad benefits of nurturing touch.

It's important to note that this certification doesn't qualify you to train others in teaching or performing infant massage. During the four-day training, you'll be asked to sign an agreement acknowledging this limitation.

What is the process to become an instructor

The IAIM instructor training presents a unique opportunity for individuals to assist parents and primary caregivers acquire the skills to communicate lovingly and respectfully with their babies through massage.


This comprehensive training integrates international core curriculum theory with hands-on experience, allowing participants to learn massage strokes on a doll and teach segments of a parent/baby massage class. Throughout the training, three sessions involve parents and their babies: one led by the trainer for observation and two providing students with the chance to facilitate part of a class, supported by their peers.

To achieve certification as a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI), students must:

1) Attend the professional four-day instructor training course led by an internationally qualified IAIM trainer.
2) Complete a take-home assignment within four months following the training.

3) Submit parent evaluation forms after teaching five baby massage classes to five families.

After submitting your assignment, the trainer will review it and issue the certificate from the IAIM ( International Association of Infant Massage). 

The IAIM training program welcomes individuals interested in sharing the numerous benefits of nurturing touch and is designed to be accessible to anyone with that interest.


Why attend IAIM Instructor Training?

Amazing lady Vimala Maclure founded the IAIM organization in 1972. After many years of experience in infant massage, with the help of another inspiring lady, Audrey Downes, they established the framework to register the association to expand Vimala's vision and mission. 

The International Association of Infant Massage is a world-class standard for training and teaching infant massage classes. If you want to become a certified infant massage class, you will have the opportunity to attend our face-to-face training with IAIM-certified trainer consultant Maria Joao Alvito from Portugal.

To this day, all trainers and certified instructors continue to impact more families with a nurturing touch, support more families, and create world awareness of infant massage. We truly believe that infant massage can help every parent and every infant have the opportunity to experience the lifelong benefits that have come from loving, healthy, and secure early bonds.

To find out more information visit the international site:

Class practical
Infant Massage training

The quality and professionalism of the IAIM infant massage training are second to none, and the IAIM constitutes perhaps the world's most important and culturally innovative Social Movement to emerge in recent decades. Research shows conclusively that healthy early attachment is essential in human development, and the IAIM training is by far the best institutional approach on the planet for nurturing and empowering early parent-child attachment relationships."

Become a certified
infant massage instructor
train by the IAIM trainer 

Maria João Alvito

IAIM Consultant Trainer, Physiotherapist


About The Trainer

Maria graduated from Portuguese Physiotherapy University in 1990 and started working in different areas of Physiotherapy at Lisbon Egas Moniz Hospital until 2001. She taught pre-natal and post-natal parental educational groups.
At this time, I also work with the Portuguese Association of Physiotherapy in Women's Health, developing training for physiotherapists.

I began working with IAIM - International Association of Infant Massage in 2000 as a CIMI (Certified Infant Massage Instructor) and in 2005 as an IAIM Trainer.  She is the co-founder of the official representative chapter of IAIM in Portugal, entitled APMI.  Member of  IM Educational Committee for Trainer Candidates developing training in different countries to certify IAIM Trainers and supervising the international process to become an IAIM Trainer.

In 2002, a parental educational health centre—Olá Mamã—was founded in Lisbon by the coordinator CEO of a multi-care health team. The centre welcomes new families, where parents can clarify their doubts and receive several pre- and post-natal services covering health issues. 

Maria João develops professional training covering exercises for pregnancy, pre-natal and post-natal parental education, pregnancy massage and baby massage.
















In the last twenty years, she has taught 300 professional health training courses throughout Portugal. She has been invited to each and has supervised training in several countries, such as Germany, Italy, Spain, Guatemala, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, and China since 2018.
The overall training content regards infant massage, pregnancy massage, and trainer candidates' training.

In between, she was the author and host of the Mãe-me-Quer TV program in SIC Mulher - a Portuguese women's channel. The program included 13 episodes concerning parenting, pregnancy, and childhood, and different health experts were invited to discuss issues covering pregnancy, pre- and post-natal periods, and child development.  Inspired by different cultures, families and babies to spread the nurturing touch all over the world. 


How do I enrol on the training?
Talk to us, please text 8806 0138

​​​​​​​Upcoming Course Date(s):
12 June 2025 to 15 June 2025 (limited vacancy)

Register from: Jan 2025 - May 2025

Time: 9 am to 5 pm daily

Mode of training: Physical

Language: English

Venue: To be confirmed​

Our instructor training includes:
1.  Four full days of physical intensive training with theory and practical.
2. IAIM Instructor Manual as requested.
3. Comprehensive compendium of additional information.
4. 1 x Bottle of Baby massage oil
5. 1 x Baby massage demonstrating doll 
6. Ongoing support from the trainer and organiser

7. Trainer reviewing the assignment through email

8. First-year membership with the Singapore chapter of IAIM

9. An attendance certificate will be issued upon the completion of the training. 


Ways Group ( Singapore ) Pte Ltd reserved the right to conduct the above training.


IAIM-certified infant massage instructor training 

Usual fee: $2300 per person
Limited time offer: S$1999 by April 15, 2025.


IAIM-certified infant massage instructor training 

Kind Hands Massage Stories and Songs Instructor​


Package Usual fee: $2650 per person
Limited time offer: $2199 by 15 April 2025.

Enrol now to save 18% off

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